Apparently there is a glitch in which (haha rhyme) there are Sims that give the appearance of being midgets--little people to be politcally correct. (But all the sims are my little people.)
In my game, it affects children, who have the size and voice of children, attend elemenary school, but have the clothes, head, and (grossly disproportioned) body of a teen. (Check out the boobs on this one here. She's developmentally way ahead of her peers.)

Young Lynette, what I call a "townie" (random Sims who live in the city that socialize with your Sims) went over to Krystal's house for some fun in the sprinklers. What she doesn't know is that Krystal and Abram giggle about her huge knockers behind her back.

Another dwarf. See how I've trapped her and am trying to murder her, not because she's a dwarf, no--but because she is the bastard child of one of my Sims and I don't want a disgrace to the family name on my hands.
There is a new kind of death in the Ambitions pack (in addition to the tradional Age, Fire, Drowning, Starvation, Electrocution, and World Adventure's Mummy Curse.)After months and months of play, a meteor fell on Krystal when she was at the public pool (she had aged into a teen by now.) Apparently the Meteor death was designed to be an extremely rare and completely random occurance. This is the first time it's happended to me (and will probably be the last!)

Krystal and unsuspecting swimmers gape at the Meteor above. When your sim is about to get squashed by a meteor, there will be a little bubble thing saying X wonders why it's dark all of a sudden, then the sim and surrounding sims gather round to watch the meteor fall, while pointing at the sky. If you don't move your sim out of harm's way...

SPLAT! The surviving members of your household now have some scrap and one gargantuan space rock to harvest! (This is a profitable death for the family members.)
Like I said, this was the first time Meteor happened to me, so I didn't move her out of the way, not knowing what was going to happen.
Online, there is some speculation about how exactly sims get the Meteor death...some say by spending a lot of time outside, or using the teloscope. Others use a cheat. I, after taking some shots, uploaded my last save so poor Krystal wouldn't be dead.
Maybe she shoudn't have made fun of Lynette's boobs. Karma got her!
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